Friday, September 2, 2016

Sweatin to the Oh No! or Oh Lucy VII

They opened a new exercise facility in my apartment complex and I was inspired. When I realized I was about to reach the first age that I would be tempted to lie about, I was motivated. When the bathroom scale reached an obscene number, I was hysterical, uh I mean determined.

I purchased some workout clothes that would hide as many of the reasons I needed to work out as possible, and asked my sister to go with me for moral support. She teeters between being inspiring and discouraging since she is 4 years older and can outrun me at a walk, but I needed all the help I could get.

I set what I thought were tiny little goals so I would feel accomplished and started my workout. But as my sister was jogging on the treadmill I was coming face to face with my mortality. One minute and 28 seconds after I started walking, the treadmill arrogantly slowed to cool down mode without even consulting me and the electronic readout said that I had reached my maximum heart rate. My tiny goals had suddenly become life threatening and visions of pacemakers flashed through my mind.

Did I get discouraged? Not at all! OK, my sister is going to read this, so yes.
Did I go back the next day? Yes! No, really I did.
Did I do any better? I went back the next day – enough said!

I have now been going back at least 4 times a week for a month, with my notebook in hand to chronicle every tiny improvement and keep myself motivated. Occasionally, that motivation becomes very important. Take today for example. I leaned over to pick up my pen which had fallen out of the cup holder to try and catch it before it rolled off the end of the treadmill. Realizing immediately that I was about to follow it, I popped back up catching the corner of my eye on my notebook. It just happened to be propped up on top of the machine near the emergency stop button. Let’s just say my exit was less than graceful but I am not convinced it warranted the guffaw that came from the guy two machines down.

Am I going back tomorrow? Well, I am inching closer to my age of denial, farther from my obscene weight and my seemingly life threatening goals have been reached and exceeded without the help of a pacemaker – enough said!

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Stick to It or You Can Run But You Can't Hide

Not gonna do it
Not gonna play
I’ve had enough of these little games

I’m tired of going
I just need to rest
Since when is fun an endurance test

I should never have started
To chase a mistake
I should just give up but my pride is at stake

To learn something new
Is not much to ask
I thought it was fun now the whole day has passed

Tripping and falling
You don’t care how I sweat
You don’t know who your messing with I’ll get you yet

What am I saying
This has to stop
Why must you go can’t you just let it drop

You’re cute and you’re funny
And you don’t mean to stress
I just don’t understand dog why you can’t learn to fetch

Friday, July 22, 2016

In The Soft of The Night

No harsh darkness or shadows deep
Not quite awake and not quite asleep

Nights guiding lights unpolished by dark
Appear like warm embers awaiting a spark

A blanket of silence unfolds over all
Day Sounds are muffled and night sounds are dull

The breeze stops to rest on the tips of the leaves
Weighing each down in stillness to sleep

Time suspended in peace joining darkness and light
All life seems to whisper in the soft of the night

Monday, April 4, 2016

Side Tracked

The best laid plans – what can I say
Good intentions ruled the day
The plan was to start right away
But a new idea came my way

Then clichés came into play
Carpe Diem – Seize the Day
When opportunity came my way
How could I keep from being swayed

Even though the brass ring shone
My reach fell short and I came home
Not in defeat but with new skills honed
Plus inspiration for this poem

I love to write – with words to play
So even though I tend to stray
And chase some dreams along the way
With pen in hand I’ll end each day